Welcome to Le Singe Magnétique

Welcome to Le Singe Magnétique, the official blog of BA_Harrison, author of thousands of movie reviews on IMDb, collector of worthless tat (according to my wife), and creator of amazing stock illustration for all your creative needs.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Brett's Comic Collectables #2: 2000AD Prog 265 — with free gift!

Prog 265 of Britain's greatest ever comic came with a free pack of Bubblicious bubble gum. While most kids would have happily chewed and blown bubbles while reading the comic, I left my gum untouched. 32 years later and I still have the packet of gum with the comic; can't imagine I'd get very good bubbles from it now though, so there it stays...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi and how are things? Just wondering if you would be interested in selling your 2000AD Prog 265 with the free pack of Bubblicious Bubble gum?
